Medical Costs

As of April 2007, private doctors in Singapore are free to set their own fees, instead of referring to guidelines (see below) drawn up by the Singapore Medical Association (SMA), which has been in place since 1987. This has been mooted as a good move as it endorses the concept of free competition.

Consultation fees are normally dependent on a few factors namely:

  • The seniority of the doctor
  • The duration of the consultation
  • The complication of the disease

Recommended fee guideline set by the Singapore Medical Association (SMA)

  General Practitioner (GP) Specialists

  In-office consultation fees

  Short Consultation (up to 10 mins)

  Long Consultation (11 to 20 mins)

  Extended Consultation (per 10 mins)


  $20 - $30

  $30 - $55

  $20 - $25


  $60 - $100

  $90 - $150

  $50 - $80


 Out of-office consultation fees

  Non Emergency Consultation

  Emergency Consultation

  Hospital Inpatient Consultation (per day)



  $120 - $200

  $200 - $300

  $50 - $100



  $200 - $250

  $250 - $400

  $100 - $250

Note: Consultation fees do not include medication or diagnostic tests.

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