Eye Retina Surgeons
Medical & Dental Group Directory
Eye & Retina Surgeons
1 Orchard Boulevard, #13-03 Camden Medical ,Singapore 248648
Tel : (65) 6738 2000
Fax : (65) 6738 2111

Keeping Your Eyes in Good Health

Your eyes are your windows to the world. Keeping them in good health is one of the most important challenges you will face throughout life.

To keep your eyes healthy as best as they can, Eye & Retina Surgeons brings together 10 of Singapore’s established ophthalmologists with over a century’s collective experience in providing quality eye care. Our Eye Specialists all hold post-graduate professional qualifications, have many years of clinical experience, and are at the forefront of educating the next generation of young eye doctors, both locally and internationally.

Total Eye Care Experience

The strength of Eye & Retina Surgeons is our collective wisdom and experience, specialised training, team approach, and a strong determination to provide the best possible eye care, without compromise. Eye & Retina Surgeons provides you with the expertise of dedicated eye specialists and the latest technologies available, in a brand new, modern, elegant and comfortable clinic at Camden Medical Center, Singapore.

Come down and experience our comprehensive range of treatments and services today. Let Eye & Retina Surgeons, your trusted eyecare professionals, EnhanceRestore & Sustain your vision.

  • Dr Leo Eye Specialist
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Good Colonic Health


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