Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery
Obstetrics Gynaecology

Dr Christopher Ng (obstetrician & gynaecologist) offers advanced complex laparoscopic surgical procedures for the benefit of his patients. Gynaecological laparoscopies are new surgical techniques that allow a wide variety of procedures to be performed via small pelvic incisions instead of the traditional large incisions.

Singapore gynaecologist, Dr Christopher Ng offers advanced complex laparoscopic surgical procedures for the benefit of his patients. Gynaecological laparoscopies are new surgical techniques that allow a wide variety of procedures to be performed via small pelvic incisions instead of the traditional large incisions. The benefits are no or shorter hospital stays, minimal post-op discomfort, reduced analgesia, faster return to normal activities and aesthetically pleasing scars which are in line with our clinic philosophy of  minimal downtime and maximum benefit. Laparoscopies are used to:

1 diagnose and treat endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease and pelvic  pain
2 treat an ectopic pregnancy
3 perform female sterilisation (permanent birth control)
4 monitor the effects of fertility drugs on the ovaries
5 diagnose and treat the possible causes of infertility
6 remove ovarian cysts or ovaries
7 remove fibroids
8 even remove the entire womb

A laparoscope is a long, thin telescope with a light and camera lens attached at one end to allow the pelvic organs to be better visualized on TV screens. It is passed into the abdomen through small incisions along with additional instruments to perform these complex surgeries. The safety and efficacy of Dr Christopher Ng's laparoscopic techniques for the removal of the womb have recently been published in the Singapore Medical Journal, Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecological Research and Archives of Gynaecology and Obstetrics in 2007.

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