Leong Keng Hong Arthritis & Medical Clinic
Dr Leong Keng Hong
Senior Physician & Rheumatologist
MBBS (Singapore), M. Med (Singapore)
MD (Singapore), MRCP (United Kingdom)
FRCP (Edinburgh), FAMS (Singapore)
Founding Member, Osteoporosis Society (Singapore)
Chairman, Chapter of Rheumatologists, College of Physicians (Singapore)
Vice President, Asia Pacific Osteoporosis Foundation
Vice President, Lupus Association (Singapore)
Member, Rheumatology Board, Centre of Pharmaceutical Administration, Centre for Drug Evaluation, Health Sciences Authority (Singapore)
Member, Asia Pacific League of Associations of Rheumatology (APLAR) Journal of Rheumatology, Editorial Board
Member, Singapore Society of Immunology, Allergy and Rheumatology
Member, National Arthritis Foundation
6 Napier Road #04-18
Gleneagles Medical Centre
Singapore 258499
Tel : (65) 6472 4337
Fax : (65) 6472 0691
Dr Leong Keng Hong is a Consultant Rheumatologist at Gleneagles Medical Centre. He is active in research in various areas of Rheumatology including lupus, osteoporosis and arthritis. He has written numerous scientific papers in local, regional and international medical journals as well as chapters in medical textbooks like the Oxford Textbook of Rheumatology. In collaboration with a nutritionist he has published a book for the layman entitled "101 Questions and Answers about Osteoporosis". He is a much sought after speaker at regional and international medical meetings as well as public forums on arthritis, rheumatism and osteoporosis.
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