Stanley Ear Nose Throat And Sinus Centre
Dr Ralph E Stanley
Senior Consultant, Ear Nose & Throat Surgeon
Suite 06-17 Gleneagles Medical Centre
6 Napier Road
Singapore 258499
Tel : (65) 6475 2282
Dr Stanley was the former Head, Ear, Nose & Throat department of Singapore General Hospital and honored asVisiting Professor of Stanford University, Department of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery in 1993. He spearheaded the development of Head & Neck Surgery and Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in the department.
  • Spearheaded development of Head & Neck Surgery and Rhinology (Endoscopic Sinus Surgery) in the department.
  • Encouraged the development of sub-specialties in Oto-Neurology, Paediatric ENT and Laryngology amongst junior surgeons.
  • Set up an Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Laboratory for training of younger surgeons in the department.
  • Instrumental in initiating and coordinating a comprehensive Voice Laboratory and Clinic.
  • Successfully set up the Post-Laryngectomy Voice Restoration Programme in Singapore General Hospital.
  • Organised Medical Student's training programme for the NUS Medical School. Undergraduate medical student lecturer.
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